Welcome to the Council on Size & Weight Discrimination website!
The Council on Size & Weight Discrimination works to change public policies and people’s attitudes concerning body weight. We act as consumer advocates for larger people, especially in the areas of medical treatment, job discrimination, and media images. We have been incorporated since 1991, and are registered as a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit corporation. All donations to the Council are fully tax-deductible.
We believe that:
- All people, no matter what their weight, deserve equal treatment in the job market and on the job.
- All people, no matter what their weight, deserve competent and respectful treatment by health care professionals.
- The media’s portrayal of fat people is often inappropriately negative.
- The media promotes people’s fear of fat and obsession with thinness.
- Weight diversity is a positive goal. Our dream is a world in which a person’s life, health, well-being, and happiness are unrelated to that person’s weight.
- Happy, attractive, capable people come in all shapes and sizes.
- Each of us has the responsibility to stand up for ourselves and for people around us who may suffer weight discrimination.
- Sizeism and weight bigotry will end when people of all sizes refuse to allow it to continue.
- We stand in solidarity with those who experience discrimination based on ethnicity, skin color, gender, religion, disability, sexual orientation, or other traits. Our mission is to make people aware of discrimination based on size, shape, and weight, and to work to end such discrimination.
Donate to the Council on Size & Weight Discrimination with PAYPAL Or donate by mail: CSWD, PO Box 116, Bearsville, NY 12409
Another way you might consider helping support the CSWD is to access the search engine below and designate The Council on Size & Weight Discrimination as your choice to receive a contribution. Your searches on GoodSearch will earn money for us. (It is powered by the Yahoo search engine.) You’ll be supporting the fight against size discrimination. Thanks!
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