Note: Books can be found in libraries, bookstores, or by mail from:
Amplestuff, P.O. Box 116, Bearsville, NY 12409 PH: 845-679-3316.
Gurze Books, P.O. Box 2238, Carlsbad, CA 92018 PH: 800-756-7533.
Beller, Anne Scott. Fat and Thin: A Natural History of Obesity. New York: Farrar Strauss and Giroux, 1977.
Brown, Laura, PhD, and Rothblum, Esther, PhD, Eds. Overcoming Fear of Fat. New York: Harrington Park Press, 1989.
Bruno, Barbara, PhD. Worth Your Weight: What you can do about a weight problem. Bethel, CT, Rutledge Books, 1996.
Chapkis, Wendy. Beauty Secrets: Women and the Politics of Appearance. Boston: Southend Press, 1986.
Chernin, Kim. The Obsession: Reflections on the Tyranny of Slenderness. New York: Harper & Row, 1981.
DuCoffe, Jean and Cohen, Sherry Suib. Making it Big: A guide to health, success, and beauty for the woman size 16 and over. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1980.
Edison, Laurie Toby, and Notkin, Debbie Women En Large: Images of Fat Nudes. San Francisco: Books in Focus, 1994 [Photograpy and text]
Erdman, Cheri, EdD. Nothing to Lose: A Guide to Sane Living in a Larger Body. San Francisco: HarperSanFrancisco, 1995.
Freedman, Rita. Beauty Bound: Why we pursue the myth in the mirror. Lexington, MA: Lexington Books, 1986.
Freedman, Rita, PhD. Body Love: Learning to Like Our Looks and Ourselves. New York: Harper & Row, 1988.
Garrison, Terry Nicholetti. Fed Up! A Woman’s Guide to Freedom from the Diet/Weight Prison. New York: Carroll and Graff, 1993.
Goodman, W. Charisse. The Invisible Woman: Confronting Weight Prejudice in America. Carlsbad, CA: Gurze Books, 1995.
Hall, Lindsey. Full Lives: Women Who Have Freed Themselves from Food and Weight Obsession. Gurze Books, 1995.
Harper, Ann, and Lewis, Glenn. The Big Beauty Book: glamour for the fuller-figure woman. New York: Holt Rinehart & Winston, 1982.
Hatfield, Elaine, and Sprecher, Susan. Mirror, Mirror: The Importance of looks in Everyday Life. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press, 1986.
Hayes, Dayle. Body Trust. [Video]. 1-800-321-9499.
Higgs, Liz Curtis. One Size Fits All…And Other Fables. Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1993.
Hillman, Carolynn, CSW. Love Your Looks: How to Stop Criticizing and Start Appreciating Your Appearance. New York: Fireside/Simon & Schuster, 1996.
Hirschmann, Jane and Munter, Carol. When Women Stop Hating Their Bodies: Freeing Yourself from Food and Weight Obsession. New York: Fawcett Columbine, 1995.
Hutchinson, Marcia Germaine. Transforming Body Image: Learning to love the body you have. Trumansburg, NY: The Crossing Press, 1985.
Johnson, Carol A. Self-Esteem Comes in All Sizes: How to be Happy and Healthy at Your Natural Weight. New York: Doubleday, 1995.
Johnston, Joni E., PsyD. Appearance Obsession: learning to love the way you look. Deerfield Beach, FL: Health Communications, Inc., 1994.
Kaplan, Jane Rachel, Ed. A Woman’s Conflict: The Special Relationship Between Women and Food. Englewood, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1980.
Lakoff, Robin Tolmach, and Scherr, Raquel L. Face Value: The Politics of Beauty. Boston: Routledge and Kegan, Paul, 1984.
Lambert, Leslie. Fat Like Me. Ladies’ Home Journal, May 1993.
Lawrence, Marilyn, Ed. Fed Up and Hungry: Women, Oppression and Food. New York: P. Bedrick Books, 1987.
Marano, Hara Estroff. Style is Not a Size. Bantam, 1991.
Mayer, Ken. Real Women Don’t Diet. Bartleby Press, 1993.
NAAFA, Inc. The NAAFA Workbook: A Complete Study Guide. Sacramento: NAAFA, Inc., 1995.
Newman, Leslea. SomeBody to Love: A Guide to Loving the Body You Have. Chicago: Third Side Press, 1991.
Olds, Ruthanne. Big & Beautiful. Acropolis, 1982.
Perutz, Kathryn. Beyond the Looking Glass: America’s Beauty Culture. New York: William Morrow & Co., 1970.
Reed, Kit. Fat. Bobbs-Merrill, 1974.
Roberts, Nancy. Breaking All the Rules. New York: Viking Press, 1985.
Rose, Laura. Life Is Not Weighed on the Bathroom Scale: Don’t Be a Victim of the Thinness Conspiracy. Waco, Texas: WRS Publishing, 1994.
Sanford, Linda Tschirhart, and Donovan, Mary Ellen. Women and Self-Esteem: Understanding and Improving the Way We Think and Feel About Ourselves. Garden City, NY: Anchor Press/Doubleday, 1984.
Schoenfelder, Lisa, and Wieser, Barb, Eds. Shadow on a Tightrope, Writings by Women on Fat Oppression. Iowa City: Aunt Lute Book Co., 1983.
Schroeder, Charles Roy. Fat is not a Four-letter Word. Chronimed, 1992.
Schwartz, Hillel. Never Satisfied: A Cultural History of Diets, Fantasies, and Fat. New York: Free Press, 1986.
Seid, Roberta Pollack, PhD. Never Too Thin: Why Women are at War with their Bodies. New York: Prentice Hall, 1989.
Seligman, Martin E. P., Phd. What You Can Change…And What You Can’t: The Complete Guide to Successful Self-Improvement. New York: Fawcett-Columbine, 1993.
Shaw, Carole. Come Out, Come Out, Wherever You Are!. ARR, 1982.
Stinson, Susan. Belly Songs: In Celebration of Fat Women. Orogeny Press, 1993. [Poetry]
Stinson, Susan. Fat Girl Dances with Rocks. Spinsters Ink, 1994. [Novel]
Stinson, Susan. Martha Moody. Spinsters Ink, 1995. [Novel]
Sward, Sharon, LPC. You are more than what you weigh: Handbook: improving your self-esteem no matter what your weight. Denver, CO: Wholesome Publishers, 1995.
Thelen, Marilyn. Sew Big. Palmer/Pletsch, 1980.
Whitfield, Van. There’s Something Wrong With Your Scale. [novel] New York: Doubleday, 1999.
Wiley, Carol, Ed. Journeys to Self-Acceptance: Fat Women Speak. The Crossing Press, 1994.
Wolf, Naomi. The Beauty Myth: How images of beauty are used against women. New York: Anchor Books, 1991.
Zakowich, Rick. Fat Chance. National Film Board of Canada, 1993. [Documentary]
Facts & Figures
Health At Every Size
Take Good Care of Yourself
Good Nutrition
Long Term Diet Failure
Thinness Obsession
Barriers to Treatment: A Patient’s View
Medical Advocacy
Prescription Politics
Unbiased Research
Healthy Weight
Food & Exercise
Non-Diet Approaches
Feminism & Weight
Eating Disorders
Body Image (currently open)
Men’s Weight
Eating & Exercise